Spring Beautification Day

Saturday, April 5, 2025

9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

What is Beautification Day?

A few times a year, families and students of Magnolia take a day to do some improvement around campus. Together we weed, plant, and clean-up areas.

It’s a day the whole family can participate in, and a satisfying way to take care of our beautiful campus.

Will there be tacos?

YES! Breakfast & lunch tacos will be sold as a fundraiser for future beautification projects!

Will there be childcare?

Sadly, no. We won’t be coordinating childcare this time around.

What should I bring?

You’ll be outside during this event, so come prepared for that Texas sun. It’s recommended that you bring a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and water to drink. If you have gardening gloves, they’ll come in real handy too!

What does the day-of look like?

When you arrive on campus, the gate should be open. Walk down to the pavilion area to find other volunteers, if you need help finding your way.

If you RSVPed for a specific task, and know where to go, feel free to head right over!

Should I sign up? What if I can’t attend the entire event?

Signing up is a great way to let us know how many hands we’ll have for the day. If you forget to sign up, but find yourself available—please come!

If you can’t attend the entire event, that’s OK too.