Who is FOM?

You! Families of Magnolia, aka FOM (pronounced Eff-Oh-Em), is Magnolia’s PTO (Parent-Teacher Organization). FOM is dedicated to fostering a supportive and engaging environment for all students, families, and educators in our community.

Fun Facts about FOM:

  • All parents and guardians of current students are automatically part of FOM! 

  • There are no dues, meaning 100% of money raised comes straight back to our community.

  • You support FOM by attending events, volunteering your time, and/or donating to raise funds - all are so valuable!

FOM Mission Statement

Families of Magnolia (FOM) is the Parent-Teacher Organization of Magnolia Montessori For All. All parents and guardians of students are automatically part of FOM, meaning all are invited to participate in and benefit from the community upon enrolling at Magnolia! Each voice is welcome and every family has something of worth that they can contribute. There are no dues, meaning 100% of money raised comes back to our community.  We believe that each family is an important part of the community, and when we come together with the school, we can do exponentially more for the success of our children.

Teams of FOM

Community Events

Work to create events at our school that promote a sense of community, a school culture that is safe, caring and inclusive, where families are not anonymous, but known. The Community Events Chair leads various community building events include Movie Night, The FOM Camping Trip, and the Cultural Heritage Festival (in conjunction with Family Support).

Financials & Grants

Manages and organizes the treasury, reimburses expenses in a timely manner, and logs incoming payments and donations. Grants are mainly given to our wonderful staff who reaches out when they have specific items and needs in their classrooms or for campus. Grants have included books for classrooms, picnic tables, Montessori materials, training, and more.


Oversees and organizes all events and initiatives that involve raising money for FOM, including our largest fundraiser, the annual fund. Other important fundraisers include t-shirt sales, Phil & Amy’s Meetup, and Book Fair, amongst others. Work with the Community building & events team when it’s a community event.


Facilitates clear communication between school and home: ensures that ALL families are getting the information they need in a timely and relevant fashion. Helps families feel knowledgeable and supported. Oversees creation and dissemination of all communication to families. Analyzes problems in systems and works to improve them.

Staff Appreciation

Helps sustain staff’s morale through gifts of love, appreciation and encouragement. Provides snacks to staff, organizes teacher appreciation week initiatives, organizes staff appreciation lunches, and collects staff favorites info.

Family Support

Connects families to resources in order for all families to be well-engaged in their child’s development and success. Maintains the uniform closet, lost and found, maintains a list of information and critical resources, and works with Spanish liaisons, low income liaisons to assess needs and work towards connecting them with resource

Staff Relief

Oversees peripheral tasks so that staff can focus their time and energy on teaching. Maintains the Consumables Closet that has all sorts of supplies for the staff, helps with things like copying, laminating and other time consuming jobs, and runs errands.

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