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Announcements & Upcoming Events

  • Spring Break!

    School Closed, March 10-21

    Stay safe, and enjoy this time off. We look forward to seeing you back on Campus, Monday, March 24!

  • Spring Beautification Day

    SAT, 4/5, 9am-1pm

    On Campus

    Help improve our indoor & outdoor spaces: organize closets, deep clean, plant, weed, & redesign spaces.

  • FOM Spring Family Camping Trip

    FRI-SUN, APRIL 11th-13th, Buescher State Park 

    All Magnolia families are welcome! Whether you come for the day on April 11th or camp overnight, it’s a great chance to meet other Magnolia families.

    Registration is open now, through Monday, April 7th (but may close earlier if all spots are filled).

Spring Events

  • SAT, 4/5 9-2pm, On campus

    Help improve our indoor & outdoor spaces: organize closets, deep clean, plant, weed, & redesign spaces.

  • FRI, 4/11 - SUN, 4/13, Buescher State Park

    Stay the whole weekend, one night, on just for the day, Saturday! Outdoor fun for the whole family!

  • SAT, 4/26, On campus

    Help us raise money for big projects around the school! Stay tuned for event details!

  • THU, 5/2, 1:00 pm, Pavilion

    Ice cream sundae bar for students, grade 3-6, to celebrate the completion of STAAR exams.

  • Date TBD, On Campus Event

    Field Day was a huge success last year. More details TK on this exciting event.

Interested in getting involved?

Families of Magnolia is all about our community, and it’s run by families just like YOU! We have needs large and small, in-person and remote, synchronous, and asynchronous! Basically, if you’re interested in helping out, there are always lots of options!

Click the buttons below to see learn more, and sign up!

  • Mission Statement of Families of Magnolia

    Families of Magnolia (FOM) is the Parent-Teacher Organization of Magnolia Montessori For All. All parents and guardians of students are automatically part of FOM, meaning all are invited to participate in and benefit from the community upon enrolling at Magnolia! Each voice is welcome and every family has something of worth that they can contribute. There are no dues, meaning 100% of money raised comes back to our community.  We believe that each family is an important part of the community, and when we come together with the school, we can do exponentially more for the success of our children.



Reach out at any time! Use the contact form or email: